After our last article on the fake portals claiming to give you ‘whatsapp calling’ feature. We have found a way to get a genuine whatsapp calling invitation for our readers. The whatsapp calling feature is rolled out phase wise to avoid overloading of servers. Recently Whatsapp has been releasing updates to its app almost every week.
It is understood that it has been fixing and developing its calling feature. Whatsapp calling invitation was opened last week for a few days. The feature was made available for whatsapp version 2.11.561. But now the version available officially is Version 2.12.12. We are hoping for the window to open soon.
Whatsapp calling invitation for Android only :
The whatsapp calling invitation feature is only available for android phones. The others need to await a release for their iphone, blackberry, windows and symbian phones. Ofcourse we will update it as soon as it is made available.

Do not fall for side loading apk’s to avail the feature as it may result in inviting malwares on your device. Also do not fall for links promising you to activate the calling feature.
If you would like to get this feature activated we would readily do it for you when the whatsapp calling invitation window is opened.
How to get this feature:
Just leave a comment with your mobile no. and we will update the calling feature for you. Alternatively you can also join our community or page to keep an update on the whatsapp calling feature and getting invited when it is available.