Facebook and Social Network:
Facebook has brought corners of the world together. It has opened your doors to the world. Far away friends have started coming close on the social network. Making new friends have become easy. Getting into groups with like minded people and sharing your experiences is growing. People have started living two lives one in the real world and other in the virtual world.
Are Social Network safe?
No, is the answer. You need to be extra careful while socializing. Not everybody you meet on Facebook is real. According to documents filed with SEC (Securities And Exchange Commission) Facebook has estimated that 4.8% of their 955 million worldwide MAUs (Monthly Active Users) are duplicate (accounts that a user maintains in addition to his or her principal account) as of June 30, 2012 and must have grown four folds by now. Additionally 1.5% account spreading undesirable content or spam. 2.4% misclassified accounts. So a 82 million accounts that are just not real. So you need to understand that not every stranger you are socializing has a real profile. So be sure what you post on your profile and wall on Facebook.
Do not Over Expose:

People like to just talk about everything happening in their life. Some talk about their sales target, and how disgraceful they are feeling. Some like to talk about their work stress. Some post their pics straight from booze parties. All these things just show your weakness and there is nothing to flaunt it. You could come under scanner of your prospective employer looking forward to hire you.
Do not post every pic of yours tagging your friends, nobody is interested in every photo of yours. Do not like your own photos and posts, it will just show your desperation.
Be aware of Fake accounts on Social Network:
Facebook can be excellent if you know what not to post and follow the rules to keep yourself secured. It is a beautiful place to be and share your experiences and thoughts. Be safe and keep your friends safe, your friendship with a stranger may misguide your friend or family so choose wisely and socialize happily.