Why Microsoft brought Windows 10 skipping Windows 9

Microsoft had started rolling out aggressive plans to boost business. Retiring its blue eyed boy ‘Windows Xp’ by discontinuing the support was one such bold step. Microsoft brought the notorious ‘Windows 8’ who stubbornly maintained its stand that it was designed principally for the touch screen devices.

The stubborn kid did not give up on the much wanted start up button too. Taking off Windows Xp support and only having windows 8 to switch on to raged the windows users worldwide. Chinese government went ahead to ban use of windows 8 in their office equipment and threatened to move to an alternate Operating system that could be more reliable.

Microsoft Windows 10
Taken from Flickr.com Courtesy worldleaks.com

Although Microsoft went ahead with the plans of developing its next version, Windows 9 keeping in mind the touch screen devices. But seeing no interest building for its Windows 9 operating system, Microsoft silently moved on to Windows 10 which has two interfaces one for the desktop and the other for the touch screen devices.

The much anticipated ‘Start’ button comes back to Windows 10. Windows 10 is designed to bring all devices under one operating system making it easy for communication with each other. This could also be an answer to ‘Apple’s Continuity’. Wherein for eg. you start preparing your PowerPoint presentation on your laptop and while leaving for office you continue working on the same file on your handheld device.

Networking Windows 10 with other devices having same operating system could be much easier and will not require any expertise. Windows 10 will be rushed out as a common platform Operating system. Windows 10 is said to be using the Windows 7 design with the advanced functionality of Windows 8.

Microsoft wants it to be the “most comprehensive platform ever” so it could be supposedly be a free upgrade for Windows 8.1 users.  However the picture will be clear only in the April 2015 build conference. Windows 10 release date will be somewhere around the end of 2015. A Windows 10 Technical Preview is available for download.

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